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赤裸吸血鬼 719播放 HD


  • 主演: Olivier Martin 
  • 导演: Jean Rollin 
  • 分类: 恐怖片
  • 地区: 法国 
  • 年份: 1970 
  • 2024-05-23
  • 短评: One night on a deserted street, Pierre (Olivier Martin of Rollin's LA VIOL DU VAMPIRE) runs into


One night on a deserted street, Pierre (Olivier Martin of Rollin's LA VIOL DU VAMPIRE) runs into a scantily clad mute young woman (Caroline Cartier) who is being pursued by men in tuxedos and bizarre animal masks who kidnap her and take her back to a townhouse that belongs to Pierre's father, industrialist Georges Radamante (Maurice Lema?tre) who warns Pierre to mind his own bu...


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